Episode 154 SN: What Can be Done about Premature Birth? A Conversation with Dr. Carl Weiner, MD, MBA

Today we’ll talk with Dr. Carl Weiner, MD, MBA

He has been working on  developing testing that can PREDICT PREMATURITY and EARLY ONSET PREECLAMPSIA as early as 12 weeks into the pregnancy.

*If it is detected, WHAT can be done?

*What  are his hopes for the FUTURE of PREGNANCY

You can find Dr. Weiner here: https://www.creighton.edu/campus-directory/weiner-carl-p

Episode 144SN: What Happens when you have a Pregnancy on a Boat with 4 other kids? Tanya’s Birth Story, Part I

This week’s episode features details of a pregnancy on a boat.

My guest Tanya shared her experiences of her other 4 births on an earlier episodes:

Her first episodehttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-you-learn-from-your-first-two-of-5-births/id1546909059?i=1000617239231

The second half of that storyhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-happens-when-with-each-birth-you-get-closer-to/id1546909059?i=1000618066765
She had a variety of experiences in the hospital:
*induced labor
*shoulder dystocia
*large babies
with midwives and OBs, but this pregnancy and birth are entirely different. 

She shares what she learned both about her body and the process of birthing, including the fears she had and how she overcame them. 

Acupuncture & Labor Induction

